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Teaching Positions

To apply for a teaching position, the College is seeking people who are:

  • Experienced, innovative practitioners
  • Have demonstrable ICT skills
  • Are supportive of the Catholic ethos of the community 
  • Willing to participate in the co-curricular life of the College.

To apply for a Teaching position please complete the Teaching Positions Application form.

Professional Staff

To apply for a Professional Staff position, the College is seeking people who:

  • Contribute to the effective running of the College
  • Value high standards of achievement
  • Enjoy working as part of a team and participate in life at the College
  • Support students/teachers/parents where required
  • Model positive behaviour when interacting with our community

To apply for a Professional Staff position, please complete the Professional Staff Position Application form.

For Casual Teachers

The College welcomes applications from casual teachers. If you would like to apply, please complete the Casual Teacher Positions Application form.


Current Employment Opportunities

Casual Teacher position - application form